
Don't let me down.

I talked to the person who made me mad and fortunately, before and after that, I was chatting with an old friend and a new friend who really made me feel better.

Somehow, I always been involved in the mood of up and down. And of course, losing all the faith and confidence overnight. Where am I now? What I'm saying, doing and thinking go differently. After that, kind of insanity comes to annoying me with no doubt. It suppose to be a big problem with which I've been worked on. That's awful, u know.

Here comes the way. Meeting new things and new people. U can't believe how easy it is to have a good impression on a new friend. So relaxing~ Honestly, I've met great numerous new people in this half of year who actually made up for the loneliness. However, maybe the loneliness I never aware of.

U will see, a new friend hardly let you down. I love all my old friends but the heart is too fragile to hold any hurt from them.

If u ask me what's the biggest thing I harvested since this 6 months, I would say. PPL.
If u ask me what's the biggest awareness I had since this 6 months, I would say, I come to realize how strong and how fragile I could be.

Leaving to Berlin, Barcelona and Lisbon for 8 days. I definately konw that u will not miss me. Well, who cares?
